The 5th Annual Western Australian BioInnovation Symposium is proudly supported by organisations that are strongly committed to the continued success of the WA life sciences ecosystem. Please take a moment to have a look at our sponsors. Without their generous support of the symposium and the innovation ecosystem, this event wouldn't happen.
Host Partners
The WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub is a partnership between MTPConnect, the Western Australian Government and the University of Western Australia (UWA) to accelerate the growth of the state's MTP sector, create new jobs and support economic diversification.
Located at UWA in the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research Building, Nedlands, it is one of the four WA Government Innovation Hubs that deliver programs to connect the innovation community, build capacity and new skills, attract investment, and foster commercialisation. The Innovation Hubs also include CyberWest, the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, GreenTech Hub (coming in 2024), and the Creative Tech Village.
The WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub team, Dr Tracey Wilkinson - MTPConnect, Professor Kevin Pfleger - UWA and Rebekah Craggs - MTPConnect, working together to manage and drive a varied and valuable annual program of activities for the Hub that deliver growth opportunities for the WA MTP sector.
Department of Health’s Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI) enables, promotes and supports health and medical research, innovation and translation across WA. It provides a range of core functions to ensure policy and funding support for the health and medical research and innovation ecosystem of our State including:
providing administrative and operational support to the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund which to date has delivered more than $100 million in funding programs to support WA health and medical research and innovation
supporting the implementation of the WA Health and Medical Research Strategy which has been established to implement the state’s vision to become internationally recognised for world class research 
providing advice and assistance across the WA health system for the management of Intellectual Property (IP)
managing the Research Governance Service (RGS) to ensure research applications align with National and State ethics and governance policies. 
Networking Event
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and would like to find out more, please contact us via the details below.
​+61 436 413 469